Coconut semolina

This simple recipe will make you enjoy breakfast. Red, provides by Baobab a lot of vitamin C, iron and fiber, while Maca, Guarana and Açai provide everything you need in terms of stimulation, natural caffeine and anti-oxidants. Here is how to start the day rich in flavor, health and energy!
For 1 serving
3 tbsp coconut cream (solid)
2 scoops of Red Superblend
1 scoop of Protein Superblend
2 tbsp coconut flour
1 mashed banana
1 egg (replace with lupin flour for vegans)
1 tsp honey/maple
optional: 1 tsp ground ginger for a boost
optional bis: 1 tbsp chia seeds or ground flax
First mix the banana, egg, coconut flour and coconut cream, and brown over low heat. Remove from heat once the semolina is lukewarm, then only add the Red and Protein to keep all their nutritional values.
Enjoy and look forward to an energetic awakening!