l'excellence de l'artisanat

Français depuis 2014


It was by drawing inspiration from this deep soul of France that the Brennos brand was created in 2014 in the Basque Country in France. The Druides des Temps Modernes, founders of Brennos, have been working for several years to materialize their ethics of authenticity, well-being and efficiency through their products, their community and everything that comes from it, and this for everyone, from the office worker to the high-level athlete.

All Brennos products are Sharp & Tasty. All our bars are thought out, prepared, produced and designed by hand and in the Basque Country, in France. Our professional pastry chef, passionate about physical preparation, balances all our recipes.

The best vegetable proteins are in our products. They are organic, have an optimal assimilation rate and a complete amino acid profile. Superfoods: Guarana, Spirulina, Mucuna, Matcha… All our products contain foods of incomparable nutritional richness, which offer you the best of nature.

Partners and resale

You are professional, committed and concerned about product quality


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