Tropical Paradise

A balanced smoothie, both sweet and invigorating and which smells of the sun... Start the day with a beautiful ripe mango, rich in fiber, iron, vitamin A (eye health) and vitamin C. For those who do not yet have the Red Superblend for this recipe, focus on Guarana (fat burner and natural caffeine) and Maca (hormonal regulator and body/mind stimulant).
For 1 person
250mL coconut water (or mineral water)
2 scoops of Protein Superblend
1 tbsp Red Superblend
1 frozen banana
1 frozen mango
2 tbsp chia seeds
Cut the fruit the day before or at least 1 hour before then put them in the freezer. Then mix all the ingredients together and add the chia seeds at the end. If you wait a few minutes, the chia seeds will swell and form a gel, which some people like the texture of.