📨 The secret pillar of champions ⚜️

Dear reader,

Concept of the day: Tenacity

It's the post-summer return to school for many and during this summer, we have continued to develop our business. Tenacity, consistency in work, this applies beyond the profession, to our personal lives.

Of course there are other skills to develop in our lives but this one is a key one. The advantage of being uncompromising on certain processes in our lives is that we always move forward a minimum. Not to stagnate, not to lose the rhythm, and to become more and more resilient as we go along. Because discipline is sharpened as it is used.

This is the case both individually and collectively. On a personal level, the three major categories that can be distinguished to optimize them are the physical, emotional and mental levels. Each level will have its key moments during the day.

Morning Routine

The morning routine is probably the most popular example. At Brennos, for example, we use creatine on a daily basis for its benefits on athletic and brain performance. However, our product development process always follows this utilitarian logic: if we like a product, we develop it. This is why we wanted to source our Creatine recently.

Three pillars

To return to our idea of ​​discipline, here are three pillars for which establishing a stable approach will be simple and terribly beneficial:

  • Sleep > stable hours, if possible before midnight, and around 7:30 - 8 a.m.
  • Nutrition > stable hours, not being in a caloric surplus or protein deficit, avoiding junk food
  • Mental > Having clear goals and strong phrases that will allow us to rewire our behavior in the long term and have a fresh perspective on a daily basis.

All this must be adapted to our individuality and the reality of the moment. The process starts with self-assessment, then experimentation and finally continuous learning. This is the advantage of doing work like during the courses in small groups to exchange and find the right dose for each person.

Next week we'll talk about the other side of performance: the valley after the climb.

Have a good week!
Brian Magnus


August 28, 2023

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